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Monday, December 22, 2008


I.Top Mutual Funds in India

Deciding or searching for the top mutual funds generally requires lot of things to be taken into consideration. It is here that the role of the fund manager creeps in. The fund manager determines the performance of the fund for that particular period, so it is a compulsion that he is consulted prior to making the investment. Another important segment that should be taken care of is the proper selection of Assets. Asset Allocation is the art of bifurcating your finances into a mixture of Assets (stocks, bonds, etc). It is imperative that some amount of research is done prior to choosing a fund for investment. The performance of a mutual fund over the last few years does give an insight to it’s value. The Mutual fund performance can be known by Mutual Fund NAV i.e. Net Asset Value. It is disclosed on daily basis in case of open-ended schemes and on weekly basis in case of close-ended schemes. It is necessary for all top mutual funds in India to put their NAV’s on the web site of Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) thus the investors can access NAVs of all mutual funds at one place.

Following is a table that illustrates the current position of Top 5 Mutual Fund in India with respect to their NAV, repurchase price & sale price. The results are based on the performance in the last 6 months:

Name of Fund Net Asset Value| Re-Purchase File | Sale Price

Reliance Mutual Fund 12.3450 | 12.2833 | 12.3450

UTI mutual fund 94.5644 | 94.5644 | 95.51

ICICI Prudential 20.5222 | 20.3170 | 20.83

HDFC Mutual Fund 10.863 | 10.809 | 10.863

Franklin Templeton 21.2672 | 21.2672 | 21.2672

SOURCE : Association of Mutual Fund in India (AMFI).

According to latest researches and data available with Association of Mutual Funds in India (body that governs the Mutual Fund houses in India) , it can be described that, since the last 6 months, the entire asset under management or AUM, along with thirty one mutual funds covered at Rs 5,18,123 Crore or Rs 5,181.23 billion. All of the top five mutual funds of India made record in the development of total AUM. They have increased the AUM rate of the Indian mutual fund industry. Being the top mutual fund organization of India, the Reliance Mutual Fund rose the AUM to Rs.80,780 crore from Rs.77,765 crore. On the other hand, the ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund and UTI Mutual Fund rose to Rs.56,854 crore from Rs.52,180 crore. So going through the snapshot you do have an idea as to which Mutual Fund should be invested upon and the factors you would need to take into consideration.

II.Stock Market Investing Basics for Beginners

There are several important things you should consider before you begin investing in the stock market:

First off, pay off any credit card balances and other short term loans before even considering an investment in the stock market. Also, get in the habit of paying off your entire credit card balances every month. Paying credit card companies large interest on your balances is a sure way to prevent you from building long term wealth.

Second, maximize your contributions to your company sponsored 401K or 403B plan as well as your individual IRA. You will maximize your long term wealth by investing in tax deferred plans as opposed to taxable accounts. Some companies even match a portion of their employees' investments. Your money will compound tax free until you have to begin taking mandatory distributions which start at age 70 ½ under the current tax code. Compounding your money tax tree is the best way to invest in the stock market.

Decide your stock market investing time horizon:

Now you need to consider your stock market investing time horizon and what kind of trader you'd like to be. Consider the following:

1.Scalpers: This group tries to "scalp" small profits by buying or selling frequently throughout of the day.
2.Day Traders: Similar to scalpers, this group might buy and sell the same stock as many as 50 times in one day. They try to exploit the volatility in the market.
3.Swing Traders: These traders buy and hold their positions for several weeks or several months before selling.
4.Long Term Traders: This group buys and holds their investments for many years.

For beginners, it would not be wise to try to invest in the stock market by scalping or day trading. My Rebound Trading Systems are "swing trading" systems which enable the investor to invest in the best performing segments of the stock market and then continually upgrade their holdings as market conditions change.

Look at all your investment options:

Everyone should have some money allocated to the fixed income market such as Corporate Bonds, U.S. Treasury Bonds or Notes, or CD (Certificates of Deposit). If you are in a high tax bracket, Municipal Bonds are a good alternative because the interest paid is not subject to federal income tax. Depending on your age, the percentage of your total investments allocated to fixed income should range between 20 and 40%.

Investors can invest in a mutual fund directly with the Mutual Fund Family. However, it is far better to purchase mutual funds from a discount brokerage firm that handles many different families of mutual funds. (T.D. Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and Scottrade, are three good alternatives.) This enables the investor to trade or upgrade their mutual fund holdings between various mutual fund families by placing the order with their discount broker. Mutual Fund or ETF Trading can be done online with a very user friendly trading platform.

Tips of investing in the Stock Market:

1.Select a Broker:
Once you are ready to start investing in the stock market, you will need to set up an account with a stock broker. There are full service brokers and discount brokers. One attractive alternative is to have an auto-trade broker who will place the trades on your behalf.

a. Full Service Brokers
Full service brokers will make recommendations on what to buy. However, the individual brokers are limited to what they can recommend based largely on the firm's research recommendations. They are unable to sell you a no-load mutual fund. They sell only loaded funds that carry a large front end commission or large commission when you sell. You can develop an on-going relationship with a full service broker since you will be placing all of your trades that broker. The commissions at full service brokerage firms are significantly higher than those at a discount broker. Full service brokers include: Smith Barney, Merrill Lynch, and A.G. Edwards.

b.Discount Brokers
With a discount broker you make your own buy and sell decisions. You will be free to buy no-load mutual funds, individual stocks, and exchange traded funds. The commissions will be significantly lower than the commissions at a full service broker. While you can place your trades by telephone, you will find it much more convenient to place your trades on the discount broker's trading platform. These trading platforms are user friendly and facilitate the trading process. You can download the necessary forms to open an account and wire transfer your money to your new account. Unless you feel you need "hand holding" and are willing to pay higher commissions, I recommend you consider trading with a discount broker. Discount brokers include: T.D. Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and Scottrade.

c.Auto-Trade Broker
If are unable or not interested in placing your own trades, an Auto-Trade Broker is a good alternative. Your commission charges will be a bit higher that with a discount broker but you will not have to check your email each evening and place your own trades. The Auto-Trade Broker gets the trading signals at the same time as the subscriber and places the trades on the behalf of the subscriber. You can always see the value of your portfolio as well as the individual holdings on the Auto-Trader's trading platform. For those who never want to miss a trade and not have to worry about placing the individual trades, an auto-trade broker is a good alternative.

2.Know the Minimum Account Size Requirement
You can purchase an Exchange Trade Fund or no-load mutual fund with as little as $1,000 to $2,500. However this would not give you much diversification. I recommend a minimum investment of $5,000 in each investment. That would equate to a minimum portfolio sized of $25,000 to $35,000 depending on which system you decide to trade. These systems could be traded with half that amount but the commission charges as a percent to the total portfolio value will naturally be higher.

3.Become Educated
I've developed a Mutual Fund Trading System that helps me buy and sell No-Load Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds at a success rate that routinely beats the performance of the S&P 500. I study the market and put a lot of time and effort into my fund portfolio recommendations so you don't have to. All you need to do is buy the funds I tell you I'm buying, and sell the funds I tell you I'm selling. It is really that easy. I do not play favorites and hold on to funds that have been good to me in the past. I hold funds that make money and sell funds that don't. And I tend to be conservative in my selections because I buy the same funds I recommend to you. When fully invested I hold seven funds in the portfolio. You will keep the same number of funds in your portfolio. Subscribers should divide their total portfolio value by 7 and invest 1/7 of the total in each recommended fund. To learn more, please visit .

III.High Return Investments - A Buy and Hold Strategy For Big Gains

Here we will outline a simple investment, that’s low risk and has the potential to make 30 – 50% annual gains and finally, it’s simple to understand, easy to do and requires only a low minimum investment to get started.

The US Dollar is suffering from sluggish economic growth and debt and is set to fall which has been the story for the last few years. This strategy is simply to buy and hold two currencies against the dollar – the Australian and Canadian Dollar.
Your not going to trade in and out all the time, this is a strategy for the patient trader and when this trade is entered it can be left for years.
Your buying and holding for the longer term. Before we look at the potential gains lets look at opening a currency account and taking advantage of leverage to improve profit potential

Opening an account

Today you can open one online and you only need a few hundred dollars. Most brokers will give you 100:1 leverage so if you deposit $1,000 you can trade $100,000 if you wish.
This is a buy and hold strategy and you wouldn’t want to over do leverage and 10:1 leverage would give you the chance to easily target 50% + per annum. If you look at the price rises in these currencies over the last 5 years you will see this is a realistic target

50% Per Annum Capital Growth Potential

So why should these currencies continue with their bull run against the dollar?
Quite simply there economies are in better shape and booming while the US economy is sluggish and may even slip into recession and furthermore the US dollar is more affected by world volatility and political factors than ever before.

Another major factor is the boom in commodity prices that has taken place in recent years as India and China push prices up with their ever rising demand and spectacular economic growth.

Canada and Australia are exporting commodity nations and the US is a net importer.
Commodity price rises obviously support exporting nations currencies but hurt importing nations like the US. The trend that has been in place for the last few years of dollar declines against the above currencies looks set to continue.
Although you have to careful with your timing, a simple buy and hold strategy will do well longer term and represents a great diversification from volatile stocks.

If you want a high return investment, that’s simple to understand easy to do and provides diversification then this one provides it.


I. The Magical Formula For Making Big Money Online Is Right Here

Money can make you lead a very comfortable and a beautiful life and has become one of the most important factors in today's world. Making money is a process. There is no difference whether the money is made online or offline.

Everyone wants to make real big money out of something by employing their own methods. Making money online may not be so simple, but it is now made possible with the help of internet. You can now become richer by making money online in one of the simplest ways.

Would it not be wonderful if you could sit down and enjoy yourself at your own desk, having a cup of coffee, watching the screen and see the money flowing in? Nobody has the choice and the power to determine how you want your life to be. You can either make more money or settle for less.

Sometimes it is not possible to earn big money in a job that does not pay a big salary. You have to think and act accordingly if you want to make more money. Who would not want the luxury of making money online at ease and make it big? This is the time for you to sit back, relax and at the same time make loads of money online.

No matter which part of the world you hail from, you can still make money online and get richer. Everybody can make money online and the simplest way perhaps is to make money online through affiliate marketing. It is a good starting point to make big money online. All this and success is very much guaranteed with the business going online today.

There is no reason for you to look further than an affiliate marketing program! Once you become an affiliate marketer, you will be in a position to see that it is very much possible to work from home and make money online.

This is the reason why a lot of people are choosing a work at home opportunity rather than deal with the hassles of the office and the daily commute. The best way to make money online is by an affiliate program where you will be promoting some one else's product or services.

So, here is the chance for you to make big money as you can now find the easiest and relaxing way to make your money grow by leaps and bounds and get richer than ever before.

II.Opportunities Where You Can Really Make Money Online

Have you made any money online this month? Would you like to? The Internet is a vast sea of opportunities to obtain knowledge, seek entertainment, and make money. Of course the Internet is much more than those few things, but this is a short article.

If you are looking to make a few extra bucks, you’ve come to the right place. Millions of people are making money on Ebay. Don’t think you have products to sell? Check out your garage or basement. One man’s trash is another’s treasure. Every day millions of dollars worth of used items are bought and sold on Ebay. If you don’t already have an account at Ebay, it is very easy to set one up and start making money!

Do you have a special skill or talent? If you enjoy writing, you can make money writing article. Fresh content is always in demand on the Internet. Website owners are always on the lookout for good articles and they are willing to pay for them. If you can write an article like this one, you can make money online and your talents are in demand.

Are you artistic? Do you enjoy drawing or designing stuff? You can develop ebook covers, website banners, colorful advertising links, or graphic designs for websites. If you are artistic, you can make BIG money online.

Do you own a digital camera? There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of sites that will buy your pictures for use on other websites. Good pictures are always needed to spruce up a website or sales page. If you own a camera and can snap a picture, you can make money online.

So if you haven’t made any money this month, quit complaining. As you can see, there are tons of money making opportunities online but this is a short article. Just imagine how much you could earn if this were a full length book! Do you want to learn how to make money? Get my new ebook and start making money online!

III.Niche Marketing - Make Money with a Targeted Market Segment

Niche marketing is one of the promising ways to make big money online and the number of niche marketers is increasing everyday. This is just a testament that there is money to be made in targeted segments of a market.

If done properly, niche marketing can be a very rewarding activity. It is a fact though that not all niche marketers succeed. This is usually because they fail to employ some basic niche marketing techniques. If you are interested in succeeding in niche marketing then read on.

Some of the most successful niche marketers are those that are truly interested in the niche they are promoting. This is why it is advisable to start niche marketing with your own hobbies or interests. One advantage of marketing a niche that you truly like is that you will never get bored or tired of doing so.

You must also make sure that there is money to be made in your niche. It means that there are people who are willing to pay money for additional info or products.

For example choosing a \"how to download movies free\" is not going to bring you much money.

After you have identified a niche, you should now get yourself truly involve in it. The best way to this is to look for groups or forums online that are related to that niche. Don't just be a lurker in these group sites or forums, participate in them. This is the best way for you to truly learn a particular niche.

Research is very important in niche marketing. Make use of Google and other keyword research tools. Find out just how big the competition is. The fewer the completion, of course, the better.

Now that you are armed with the information provided above, you are now ready to conquer the world of niche marketing.

IV.An Internet Speed Test Will Let You Know Just How Fast Your Service is -

For some people who use the Internet, speed is everything. For online competitive gamers, it can mean the difference between victory and defeat in close spit second calls. For business people, it means lightning fast uploads and downloads that don't leave a person wasting their time sitting in front of a computer. For the Internet shopper, more speed means faster jaunts from site to site in search of the absolute best deals online.

More Options for Increased Speed

What many people don't know however, is that they now have more tools at their disposal then ever before to bring them more speed for their computer while on the Internet. This means that Internet users that still use a standard dial up service don't have to change their service provider to kick it up a notch with regards to speed. It also means that Internet users that have the latest broadband high speed service can take it even further with new speed upgrade tools and technology.

A New Comprehensive Internet Speed Test

There are now online services that specialize in helping Internet uses get the maximum amount of speed possible form their Internet service and the first step that they offer is an Internet speed test. Unlike older Internet speed tests that only determined the speed of downloads, these new tests make a total determination, by testing the speed of uploads and downloads combined.

After your actual Internet speed is determined by this test, you will then have to decide from the various options that are available to boost your Internet speed. Then after the software is installed and the necessary adjustments are made, you will then undergo another Internet speed test to see how much of a difference has been made. The great thing about all of this new technology that is now available, is that you now can effect the amount of Internet speed that you have to operate your computer with.


I.Ways to Make Money with Blogging

Believe it or not, but it's actually possible to make money from blogging. One teenager has, in fact, earned $5,000 a month just from making posts on his blog! Of course, not every blogger is this lucky. It does take some skill, for more detail go to: some luck to make money from blogging. What it also takes is some knowledge of how exactly to generate income just by posting blogs. We will go over three specific methods of making money on your blog: Adsense, Pay per Lead, and Affiliate Links. So how exactly do I make money on my blog? You do it by working with another company that wants to use your blog as a form of advertising. It sounds like selling out, right? Not exactly. The advertising can be as in your face or subtle as you want. And it can still make you money, provided you have enough visitors to your blog. What is Adsense? Adsense is a program offered by Google. The program, if installed, will display ads provided by Google.
How do I get Adsense? You'll need to go to Google. First. At the bottom of the screen is a link for Advertising Programs. for more detail go on that. Then click on the link for Adsense. Scroll down on the page that comes up and click here to Apply! You then fill out the form with information about yourself. After 12-48 hours, Google will notify you via email whether or not your site has been accepted. When you've been accepted, set up your ads by doing either of the following: If your blog is hosted on Blogger. You can set up your AdSense ads by going to your profile, selecting settings, template, add an element. Then select AdSense and login with your account info. Next, you'll configure your ads and save the template. That's it. If you are self-hosting your blog, you'll have to set up AdSense in more of a manual way. You'll create your ads (which can be as small or as tall as you want) and then copy the HTML/JavaScript code Google gives you. Then you'll paste it into your blog (on the left, right, or top of the screen). For the first few days, the ads displayed by Google will be Public Service Announcements. After the ads have been up a few days, though, the ads will switch to ads that are relevant to your blog.
It is important to remember that Google will penalize you if you click your own ads, or if you ask visitors specifically to click ads. So don't do that! Pay per Click Pay per Click is basically just like AdSense, except you don't just work with Google you work with multiple companies. BidVertiser is one such company you can sign up with to do pay per Click advertising. How do I get Pay per Click You sign up with a site like Bidvertiser and then follow their instructions to set up the Pay per Click ads on your site. How does Pay per Click work? It works by paying you money each time someone clicks an ad that you display. You won't get paid for multiple clicks from the same user in the same visitor, nor will you get paid for someone simply visiting your site.
You only get paid for legitimate clicks. Affiliate Links Affiliate links are basically links which people pay you for. Companies will actually pay owners of popular blogs to post links on their blog. You can do as much Affiliate linking as you want. How do I get Affiliate Links? You can get Affiliate links by searching or Affiliate Link Programs on the internet. Once you find an Affiliate link program that looks good to you, sign up for it. Then you can follow their instructions for putting the link(s) on your blog. How do Affiliate Links work? Like the other two methods mentioned above, Affiliate links work by paying you money each time they are clicked.

II.Ways to Make Money Online: A Guide

money.jpgThe idea of making money online is attractive to many, primarily because of the benefits it offers. Two main incentives are motivational factors here: The lucrative potential of the internet as well as the personal freedom that comes with working without a fixed schedule or geographic location.

One doesn’t need to suffer through monotonous day jobs which offer poor returns for the time invested.

Indeed, why make $7 an hour selling coffee behind a counter when you can easily earn the same amount by spending 10 minutes to write an article on your blog?

Even if you’re not looking to work full-time at home, the internet offers a viable source of money which can help to supplement your regular income.

Cataloging the Different Ways to Make Money Online

A basic search on Google will reveal many ways to make money online and most of the websites listed in the search results pages all seem to focus on the same methods of making money.

I thought it’ll be a good idea to categorize and compile a list of the online money making methods available so that future visitors to Dosh Dosh will have a reference point which provides them with all information they need.

This list uses a rather broad categorization, which I believe covers most of the ways to make money online. More methods and examples of how to make money online will be added to this list, which can be considered a work in progress.

1. Set up a Blog or Website for Profit

One of the best ways to make money online is to create a website or blog which allows you to earn money from the display of advertisements or the sale of products and services.

There are many different types of money making blogs which will help you to make money and you’ll need to pick a model that suits your interests, schedule and skill levels. A simple no frills blog will allow you to easily pull in at least several hundred dollars in a month through the use of paid blogging websites alone.

For more information, check out Dosh Dosh’s archive of articles on how to make money blogging. Apart from blogs, other websites can easily help you to generate passive income as well. These can range from e-commerce websites, social communities and information portals to basic landing pages for affiliate programs.

2. Learn about Affiliate Marketing and The Art of Selling

This involves promoting a specific product or service and earning commissions whenever the referred user makes a purchase based on your recommendations.

Affiliate marketing is a big and profitable industry that covers a wide spectrum of topics and fields. If you’ve got an interest in fitness, you can make money promoting fitness videos or courses. In terms of fashion wear, you can earn commissions by recommending friends to clothing or t-shirt companies with affiliate programs.

The amount of money you make depends on what you are selling. Done correctly, affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful ways to make money from the web. Amazon, Commission Junction and ClickBank are three of the biggest affiliate marketplaces you can use if you’re branching out into affiliate marketing.

3. Start an Online Business

Starting your own online business or company allows you to make money off the provision of specific services or products you may have. Some examples of popular online trades include web design, copywriting and internet marketing.

It isn’t difficult to start a business. It’s all about hiring the right people or having enough knowledge and connections within a specific industry. You should do some in depth research before you decide to settle on a specific niche for your business. has a good collection of tips on how to start an online business.

4. Try Out Domaining and the Online Real Estate Trade

This is the business of buying, selling, developing and making money from domain names. A domainer purchases many domain names and sells them to interested buyers. This is similar to real estate investing offline and domainers also make money by developing websites and reselling it to a buyer.

This practice is known as site flipping and can make you a tidy sum of money if you know how to build an attractive and profitable website. For a rough estimate of how much money you can earn from site flipping, check out the SitePoint Marketplace to browse through the collection of websites for sale.

5. Participate in Get-Paid-to Websites

There are hundreds of websites out there which you pay you to read emails, do surveys, sign up for trial subscriptions and surf the web. Websites that pay you to complete offers are worth examining because they usually include affiliate programs with recurring commissions to be earned.

The benefit of get paid to websites is that you don’t need to have your own website or any personal skills at all. The downside is that there are a lot of get-paid-to scams around and finding websites that are legitimate can be fairly difficult. is a forum you should visit to learn if the get-paid-to website you’re interested in actually pays its members.

There are also several Web 2.0 or social media websites out there that will pay you to participate in their community. This collection of social media websites usually operate via a revenue-sharing system, which allows you to earn a share of the overall ad revenue. How much you earn depends on how much your submitted article, video or image is viewed.

6. Find a Virtual Job or Make Use of Your Expertise

Not only limited to data entry jobs, online jobs in the new economy include virtual assistants, gold farmers, online life coaching and support for open source software. Mini consultation networks like Bitwine and Ether allow you to easily set up shop and offer advice on specific topics through the web.

Most of these virtual jobs involve direct communication through electronic mediums like internet telephony, instant messengers and emails. Which means that all you need to get started is a home computer with an steady internet connection.

If you are an expert in a specific topic, you can offer consultation via websites like Jyve or Just Answers. Other skill or knowledge based vocations also include participation in online competitions in areas such as photography, writing, designing and even gaming.

7. Freelance and Work on a Contract Basis Online

If you have a skill such as web design, programming or copywriting you can offer your services online in exchange for money. Traditional freelancing jobs include transcription, proofreading, translation services on top of the ones already mentioned above.

Online marketplaces that you can use to offer your services include and Elance. One of the best ways to find freelance jobs is to visit webmaster forums because webmasters usually require a variety of web-based services, which range from programming and content writing to design work.

If you’re focusing on writing if don’t own your own blog, you can still make some money by registering for websites which will pay for your content. Another alternative is get paid to write for other blogs either as a staff or guest writer.

8. Create Your Own Product and Sell it

Products you can create include website templates, sound clips or even your own ebook. Websites like Lulu allow you to easily develop and sell your own collection of electronic products like calenders, brochures, artwork, images and ebooks.

If your specialty is images and photography, citizen journalism websites like Spymedia and Citizen Image will pay for your images. Other stock photography websites to consider include Shutterstock and Fotolia.

This also ties in with the concept of creating your online business, which will allow you to sell the products you create or own without resorting to a third party website which will usually take a commission of the sale.

9. Get Involved in the Online Retail Trade

Ebay and Craigslist are the two of the most popular websites you can use if you are planning to get into the online retail trade. You can purchase products from either website to sell to the other.

Alternatively, you can specialize use site-specific methods of participating in the online retail trade. For example, Ebay dropshipping and arbitrage is a method whereby you’ll with offline retailers or exporters in other countries, or buy from one seller and sell to another.

III.101 Ways to make money online

(part time or full time, and working at home)


There's no catch and I'm not trying to sell you an ebook. Or anything (read about conmen who do). I'm not even signing you up for a newsletter. This list was put together more as a laugh. It may change your life. Or it may annoy you enormously because of its er, brevity. I hope it does both.

Some ideas here are nice and have halos, others smell of dog urine ... but all these methods allegedly generate lotso dosho, and every single one is legal at least somewhere. There's overlap in everything so some ideas may be repeated (and some may not be covered at all) but I'm still maintaining there are 101 ways to make money online, partly because it makes a good headline. No, solely because it makes a good headline. It sucked YOU in, didn't it?

No, you won't get anything for nothing but there are a lot of things you can get for nearly nothing. Like getting to pick holes in my list. Go ahead. Pick holes and then link back here to show people how stupid I am.

I've put together a lot of these ideas from thousands of hours discussing businesses for sale with their owners. They've shared with me how their businesses operate, how they make money online, how they built their businesses up etc. They've given me access to their traffic stats, their earnings and accounts and tax figures. Many even gave me access to their Adsense or other "main earner" accounts. Some of those businesses were so irresistible that I bought them. And sold them. And bought others. It's a game. I love it.

Most of these business ideas can be run from anywhere in the world, even the United States, Australia and other non-English speaking countries. For consistency sake all figures are quoted in US dollars.

Each method is summarised in a single small para so appreciate it's not the complete unabridged version. And, no, I haven't tried each one so out of the 101 business models to make money online 102 may be completely dud. But, I do intend expanding - in due course - on some of the money-making ideas that worked for me.


I. Tips On Finding The Perfect Swimwear

Although the summer season is a time for fun and frolicking on the beach, a lot of women find this season dreadful. One of the main problems is finding a swimwear that will help accentuate the body's assets while downplaying the flaws. If you are one of the girls who are clueless on how to choose a swimsuit that is perfect for your body type, then here are some tips to help you with your dilemma.

Swimsuit-shopping may never be painless, but if you know what suits will look great on your shape, it can be bearable.

Waist Problem

Many women who have thick waist or small hips hate going to beach parties because they feel that they do not have the curves to display. However, there are actually many tricks that could give an illusion of smaller waist and bigger hips.

In order to create that illusion of curves, you have to choose a one-piece swimwear that has a belted waistline or one that has high-cut thighs. If you want a two-piece outfit, just make sure that you choose bikinis that have rings, bows, or ruffles on the waist because it would make your hips bigger than they really are. Lastly, you should consider wearing a top that is printed and embellished and a bottom that has a solid and dark color.

Short Legs

If you wear a swimsuit that is too embellished and girly, there is a big chance that you will look like a schoolgirl. In order to make your legs look longer, you should find a suit or a bottom that is cut high on the thighs. Another way to elongate your body or make your legs look longer is by using a suit with vertical stripes. What you need to avoid at all cost are bikinis or suits with skirt or boy-short bottoms because these will only highlight your short legs.

Ample Boobs

Halter-top swimsuit or bikinis will provide support and coverage for women with large breasts. And at the same time, such bikinis can make you look hot as well. If you can find tops and suits that have extra support or underwire, so much the better. What you need to avoid are spaghetti or strapless tops because they do not only provide little coverage, but there is also a danger that they can come off easily when you get out of the water.

Plus Size

One mistake that plus-size women often commit is wearing a swimsuit that is bulky. You do not need all that fabric to cover you up. If you want to look and feel skinny, you have to show a bit of skin. Look for something that has a v-shaped neckline so that you can show off some of your cleavage.

Small Breasts

Do not despair if you have small breasts because there are many swimsuit styles that will help downplay your flaws. A bandeau top is great for women with small breasts because they do not have to worry about coverage. There are also some tops or suits that have paddings to make your breasts look larger. Ruffled tops, which are in this season, are also great for you.

Now get out and find the swimsuit that flatters you the most!

II. Get Exposure In Tiny Micro Bikinis

Summer is just about here and there are several new bathing suit fashions out there for ladies looking to hit the beach, pool or picnic with style. Women who like to tan particularly look for ways to minimize tan lines and if sunning nude is not a possibility due to location or preference in sun bathing conditions then an option might include a tanning bed, but then again, is it not refreshing to enjoy the outdoors especially when it is lovely outside.

There is the tiny micro bikini, a minimalist fashion statement if you will, one which bold and daring types seem to sport most often in beach party towns. The tiny micro bikini is not intended for all body types and for women who do want to purchase and wear and rock this type of fashion and they still have a few winter pound to shed they should be advised that this bikini indeed lives up to its name and might be reserved for private occasions.

Triangle top bikinis have always been popular especially with the college crowd that tends to go for younger looking fashions that might be a little inappropriate for older types, not because of situational circumstance like ones surroundings but more so because when gravity hits, the tiny micro bikini is not a suit that offers much in the way of support.

For instance now some bathing suit companies cater to a more mature clientele and so their bathing suits might have a control top which is essentially a girdle and a bathing suit in one, which by far surpasses the idea of wearing ones girdle into the water. Wrecking a perfectly good girdle is considered an act of undergarment terrorism to some, punishable in and of itself as rusty wires poke forth from the tattered discolored lace which at one time was an attractive girdle surely.

The tiny micro bikini is in a class of its own and although most women would agree they would love to wear one at some point there are actually few so bold and daring to actually step out in one. But these fashions are readily available at most bikini shops and many online retailers as well. Just as the weather heats up so many colors and shapes of bikinis hit the market and there is no better way than to say summer here I come than a skimpy bikini.

III.Swimwear& beachwear set from Made in

When beach and sun meet Made in china.

Making a splash
Sun shines, sea surfs, beach blinks, but where are bikinis, ladies and beautiful flower? What are you waiting for? My girl! Summer is here and holiday planning is still on the agenda at this time of year. The most frequent holiday destination tends to be the beach, making a splash, in order to make the most of lounging by beach, where is the best places to get swimwear? Shopping for swimwear has never been simple, not least because of the seasonal nature of the clothes, but it definitely is not impossible. All big department clothes manufactures tend to have sportswear and underwear department and this is usually your best bet for swims suits, trunks and bikinis. Perhaps a little too far out of town for casual browsers, but MADE IN CHINA won¡¯t deter outdoors enthusiasts. Only click, you can get the sexiest and hot, suitable and shine swimwear. We like the selection to the expertise swimwear manufactory, the Chinese famous brand fashion swimwear¡¡. They will be clothed in garments of highest quality and the most fashionable style. It¡¯s not merely the quality though which will draw fans- being Chinese brand, price and Chinese - wind is naturally of the essence.

Secrets and showings about swimwear
If you want to show your adult attraction or your lovely happy emotion, in summer, go with some friends to the sun beach, which is the best choice. Designer swimwear is not available at made-in-china; the website offers various designer brands including A, B, C etc. as well as the different size from adult to baby. Under blue sky, in cool sea, enjoying family harmonious, you are the happiest guys in the world. Come on; be ready for your choice. Many kinds of styles and colors can be chose. Swimwear always attracts many fashionable persons for its unique design and comfortable feelings. When putting on swimwear, romantic, slim mermaid and golden sunshine beach will be memorized in your mind. On further observation, you will hear a splash sound from a fish. Different deep ideas can also be expressed by different colors and style that match the same ladies. With particular fabric, fashion style, putting on swimwear supplied by Beijing swimwear & beachwear clothes company at sunshine beach is really a terrific enjoyable trip. The most convenient payment way, the cheapest swimwear supplied. It is only prepared for you, are you ready? More choices, more enjoyable lounges are all made in china.


I.Hair Straightener- The best gift ideas for women

There are several gift ideas but the most successful ideas are those that are not occasion specific or age oriented but also express the likes and dislikes of the recipient. So if you are selecting gifts for your woman or for your girl friend or for your mother or sister or anyone who is a woman this Christmas then there are plenty but before that you need to know her personality, her taste and her likes and dislikes.

There are woman who are sophisticated and stylish who will be delighted to get a wacky surprise. There are also women falls under the group of active ladies and so anything that makes her routine chores easily manageable will surely delight her and make her Christmas Eve memorable. There are also women who love her home and pay attention to every little corner of her home and also save enough time to groom themselves and any kind of electrical appliances on this Christmas will just brighten their face. How stylish or down to earth a woman is but a hair straightener is sure to be welcome by every women. This time buy one CHI hair straightener that comes in much relax price as this is consider one of the best gift ideas for a woman.

Hair straightener excels every gift ideas for women as it helps to manage and straighten their hair in few minutes, giving a chic and stylish look. Every one woman likes to look unique in their own way and CHI hair straightener will help them to achieve that uniqueness within few minutes. Bad, unmanageable, curly and frizzy hair is disliked by all women. So, CHI hair straightener can be a good solution for those women who have curly or wavy hairs and also for those who have straight hairs and want to make them straighter.

Though there are other gifts ideas like a gift voucher for a full body massage or a day out at one of the trendy local health spas, a hot air balloon trip for two or a cruise on one of the more sumptuous crafts to renowned beach, making a Formula One driving experience or a tandem sky dive, fabulous hand-crafted artifacts or kitchen appliances that make her life easier - cappuccino coffee makers, food processors or even a bread maker, gifts of flowers and gift hampers that include French champagnes, wines, spirits, imported choccies and a whole lot of other exciting edibles but gift ideas like hair straightener will surely leave behind all these gift ideas. So this year give some thought on this gift idea and select any one of the CHI hair straightener and look at the face opposite to you turning bright and feel the excitement.

II.Beware Of Fake GHD Hair Straighteners

Distinguishing fake GHD from the original one is easy from its appearance. This is easy if you are purchasing from any brick and mortar shop but if you are an online buyer then it matters. This is because you don’t get to see the product in person. And you only come to know that you have been delivered the phony GHD hair straightener once the felons have taken your money. These phony hair straighteners appear just like the original one due to the efficient manipulation of the fake seller using offical or stock images that will easily make the buyer on the other side to believe that it is original and thus they are successful in raiding you. It is not always with the online buyers but it can also happen with the offline buyers. Taking the advantage of the gap between the buyer and seller online the fake seller are no doubt celebrating their triumph of generating revenue moving their hand on the buyers and pillaging them with their good for nothing fake item. Therefore it is of utmost importance to maintain caution when GHD IV stylers online.

Determination of the fake or phony GHD sylers can easy if you give some time to yourself. People in hurry always make a mistake and also those are become desperate to get the thing instantly also are victimized because they don’t pay attention to the little to little information that can prevent them from being ditched. Remember that all these fake items are mostly sold through various auction sites such as as eBay, Ebid, Cqout and Gumtree. It is also important that look at where these hair straighteners are being shipped from. Look at the time taken to ship the product. Next important point to be noticed is the price. If the offer looks too good, then just peep inside and give a second thought how a popular brand like GHD can be sold in such a low price? How GHD hair straightener with several useful features could be sold in such a low price?

There are many people who do not give the second thought to themselves and they are happy with fake holograms and fake security seal that do not guarantee the legitimacy of the item. They focus mainly on the statements in the sellers’ auction of genuine products and do not go deep into it. It should be remembered that purchasing a fake electrical hair straightener is very dangerous for your hair because they use low grade poor straightening technology inside that is completely unsafe for your hair and moreover why will you spend your hard earned bucks on those things that are harmful for you. Ignorant peoples are just helping these fake sellers to sell their easily and thus giving rise to increase fake seller.

Take your own time and do some researches before you finally bring one hair straightener for you that is safe for your hair. Just be aware of the fake GHD so that both your hair and your money are safe. These online con artists are expert in convincing you to sell their product making money for themselves. So do not completely rely on their words. You never know whether you are dealing with the fake seller or the original one unless you do the research yourself. So, do some research and then you purchase one GHD hair straightener for your hair.

III.Selecting The Right Wig For African-American Women

If you have already decided that you want to purchase a wig, then there are certain steps that you should follow to ensure that you have a good experience and end up choosing a wig that you will be happy with in months to come.

First you must decide on your budget. Like any other purchase that you would make in life, you should decide up front what the most amount of money you are willing to spend on the product. Once you have done that, your budget will dictate what brand of wig you will be able to purchase.

Once the budget is decided, it is time to go shopping! Sure, there are plenty of places online that you can visit. I think it is a good idea to see what the online stores have to offer as far as various styles and brands that you are interested in. You will be able to get a sense of how much the style and brand of wig will cost too.

Should you buy a wig online? That all depends. If you've worn wigs before and know how to take care of the wig and style it, then by all means make your purchase online. If this is your first wig, I would recommend going to an old fashioned brick and mortar store that specializes in wigs. Why?

The reason I recommend going to a wig specialist is because a wig specialist is the expert in wigs. She knows what wigs will look best on you. You are the final decision as far as looks go, but if you never had a wig before you won't know where to begin. The wig specialist can help you select the style and brand that will fit you best and look great on you.

Then the wig specialist can show you exactly how to put on the wig properly. There is nothing worse than seeing someone wearing a wig that looks like a wig! You want your wig to look as natural as possible. The best way to achieve that goal is to be shown how to wear a wig, and you can't get that from reading a vague instruction pamphlet.

Take your best friend with you. Note: I did NOT say boyfriend or spouse. Why? Your significant other probably hates shopping in general, and now you are dragging him to a wig shop? He will tell you that the very first wig you try looks great just so that he can get out of the store. No, you will need a professional shopper, and that will be your best friend. She will tell you the truth too as far as how the wig looks on you.

Your wig specialist will be able to tell you how to best take car of your wig too. Most wigs only need to be washed in a mild shampoo like a baby shampoo. Wigs are designed to need very little styling care, so you can literally wash your wig and let it dry and it will dry back to its normal hair style.

There are many different brands of wigs. Tiffany, Bobbi Boss, Sandy Summers, Paula Young etc. If you are African-American, you will probably want to take a look at the wigs that are offered by Bobbi Boss as they specialize in providing African-American women with styles that they want and hair extensions.

IV.Steps to Fine - tuning Of Your look with Chi hair straightener

If you are just fed up with the curls around your head and you just want to do anything suggested to get a different look then consider having a hair straightener that is efficient to tame your waves. There are a multitude of products available, among which the Chi hair straightener enjoys the best of recommendation. Chi hair straightener can help you eliminate your curls and is one of the best present on the market. Chi hair straightener is a device that hasn't been designed only for people with curly hair but also for those people who have a more peculiar kind of hair.

The wide usage range, the ease of use and affordable price are all the features associated with Chi hair straightener that makes this merchandise quite a nice venture among the other hair straighteners extensively present on the market. Besides the functionality Chi hair straightener appeals the mass most because of its less expensiveness compared to the other flat irons, however, maintaining itself in the top ten list of the hair straightening devices. So, if you have decided to order a Chi hair straightener and if you are unsure of the return you are paying for then it is assured that you are making the right choice, from both the angle of function and the finance.

The Chi hair straightener has an ergonomic handle that makes it fit easily into the hand thus allowing for easy application and very comfortable to bring into play. This feature proves very important since straightening your hair takes some time and can cause pain up the hand if the handle is of poor quality. The built-up design specificity of the Chi hair straightener with a ten foot cord and a swivel at the base are other main product properties that made the company roll an improvement in the retailing rate. Well, if you have considered straightening your curls or you want to make your hair straighter and silkier then CHI hair straightener will be the right choice for you.

Everything is fine as long as you use the hair straightener prudently and follow the procedure correctly. You should be well acknowledge with the fact that anything in excess is injurious and it is applicable for everything we use even it should be remembered when using a hair straightener. Too often use will result in hair breakage and skin burns that is worst than not using it at all. It may sometime that instead of looking good you would be looking worse. Therefore care should be taken on the random usage of the hair straightener. So, no more unmanageable dull hair, time has arrived for you take this fundamental step towards the fine-tuning of your look by purchasing one CHI hair straightener for you that are available in affordable range.

V. Care hair – some helpful tips
Healthy is really a blessing and the only work that you have to follow is maintain the routine and luster. It is an important aspect of an individual’s appearance and its quality and type is determined at the time of birth. But the quality and type can change or be changed through several ways. As you will agree with me that as face is to mind similarly hair is to health. But unfortunately our fast lifestyle skipped over health issues leaving apart hair care. Understanding the importance of hair to your look, and learning the would be result that you encounter in future if your hair still goes uncared will surely leave you with frustration. So even if you are in neck deep with work pressure, take some time to take care of your health if not your hair.

Besides our balanced diet with adequate amount of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals there are some application to be followed that altogether gives you healthy hair. Here are some tips that can be followed when you are sitting in front of your television paying attention to what is happening around or before going to bed or in your weekends. Brushing your hair does not require any extra time. You do it regularly. Brushing stimulate the scalp that will keep your looking healthy and lustrous. So increase the time of brushing. It can be easily done when you are watching television. There are some other important points to consider while brushing and they are always brush with wide-toothed comb and never ever brush your wet hair even if you are in a hurry. Use your fingers to remove the tangles in wet hair. Follow the hot oil scalp massage at least two or three times a week that will stimulate and moisture your scalp that will keep your hair healthy in return.

Avoid too much using of electric appliances on your hair that alternates the moisture level in your hair and leave your hair dry, brittle and much damaged. So instead of using hair dryer or blower to dry your hair, remove excess moisture with the absorbent towel and stand under the fan and run your fingers gently that will dry your hair naturally. Leave your hair open till it dries out completely. Natural drying is little time consuming but still it is healthy. You can get several hair tools that are safe for your hair but GHD hair straightener will be the best selection.

Various kinds of hair care products all aiming to restore the natural health of the hair it is applied on are available in the market should be selected properly. You hair product must suit the elasticity, porosity and texture of your hair to get the desired result. It is better to purchase those hair care accessory and product that comes in a full description of the product and the directions for its use. Online shopping can be really helpful because it helps you to get all the required information of the product you choose for your hair.